Events & Conferences
Join us for FFA Day on the Hill to meet with legislators and promote the importance of FFA!
FFA Farm Forum is a learning and leadership conference open to high school juniors in Wisconsin. For 50 years, Wisconsin Farm Bureau has sponsored the FFA Farm Forum for Wisconsin youth.
Includes: Fall Leadership Workshops, F.I.R.E. Conference, Half-Time Conference, EDGE Conference, and National FFA Leadership Conferences |
In February, join National FFA in celebrating FFA during National FFA Week. This is a great time to get people involved, share our story and highlight the great things students are experiencing through Agricultural Education and FFA. |
Each summer, Wisconsin FFA hosts a 3-day event featuring leadership workshops, general sessions, expo and more to celebrate the accomplishments of FFA members, advisors and supporters.
Competitive Events
Agriscience Fair |
Band, Chorus and Talent. Information on how to apply for these opportunities is located here including the online application. |
Regional Career Development Events (CDEs) will take place between March - April. The State CDE Contest will take place in late April.
Leadership Development Events |
Includes: Jr. High/ Middle School essay contest