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Teacher of Teachers Award Application

The National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE) and the Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators (WAAE) have set the following requirements for the Teacher of Teachers Award (bronze, silver and gold levels).  This should be completed by the current teacher who has students under them who have taught for at least 1 year.

Bronze: One to two former students who have taught agriculture for a minimum of one year
Silver: Three to four former students who have taught agriculture for a minimum of one year
Gold: Five or more former students who have taught agriculture for a minimum of one year

A "Teacher of Agriculture Education" shall be identified as defined by the Bylaws of NAAE
The award is presented during the state agricultural education conference, when possible

Former student(s) must be teaching at the time of application

Note: If members have received this honor in the past, new certificates will only be awarded if the member qualifies for a new level.

Deadline:  May 15


Application coming soon.
Please check back for updates.


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