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Membership/ How To Join WI FFA Alumni

Who can become a member of the Wisconsin FFA Alumni Association? Anyone interested in supporting the local agriculture education programs, agricultural instructors, and FFA members. If you see the importance of promoting agriculture education, have the heart of a volunteer and want to serve your local community, consider taking the time to get involve in your local or state FFA Alumni Chapter. There are no restrictions on age, education, economics, or ability level. We need you to help spread the word on the importance of agriculture education.

Membership Information      
The FFA Alumni membership year runs from August 1 - July 31. (Start registering members August 1st so they get the most value of their membership!)

Wisconsin Membership & Dues Submission Deadlines:
    - August 1 - Begin FFA Alumni Roster submission
    - October 1 - Deadline for postmark of roster and annual fee to receive $ 50 discount.

All membership (with the exception of NEW chapters) must be submitted through FFA.org.
All annual membership will expire July 31.  Annual members are removed from the roster at that time, until added back on after August 1.  Please contact the Executive Director at tcostello@wisconsinffaalumni.org if you have questions or need help.  The renewal process of annual members is very simple. 

You no longer have to worry about renewing lifetime members, that automatically happens.  You should remove deceased members each year. Contact the Executive Director if you need assistance with how to do that.


Benefits of FFA Alumni & Supporters Membership      
For the Chapter:
Use the National FFA trademark emblems under the National FFA Trademark Policy.
Use the National FFA 501c3 status (application required, not automatic).
Use the National FFA membership management system.
Provide individual members/volunteers with the National FFA Forever Blue Benefits program.
Create a local chapter network within the Forever Blue Network to help network and engage alumni and supporters from around the world.
Use National FFA marketing materials/educational training/member opportunities and events.
Eligible to apply for state and national grants
Eligible to apply for state and national awards

Monthly communications from the National FFA Organization that include key tools and resources to be the best volunteer possible for FFA.
Digital edition subscription of FFA New Horizons.
Funding from National FFA through grants, scholarships and awards for active chapters.
Leadership workshops and networking events at the state, regional, and national level
Official member membership card.
Discounts and special offers from National FFA.
Opportunity to show your support for quality education.
Being a part of a dynamic team.
Fellowship with FFA Alumni and FFA members.
Leadership workshops and networking events at the state, regional and national levels.
The priceless feeling of making a difference in the lives of youth.

Annual Fee Program Now Implemented for all Chapters      
National FFA has mandated that all Alumni & Supporter chapters across the nation will no longer charge annual membership dues, but instead operate under the annual fee affiliation program.

The annual fee membership program is designed to easily mobilize volunteers to support local agricultural education programs and their FFA chapters. This program allows chapters to provide membership, services and benefits to an unlimited number of volunteers/supporters for one chapter fee, while keeping the rest of their funds right at home for their local programs. 

The program annual fee allows for an unlimited number of annual members each year.  The membership year begins on August 1 and ends on July 31.  

The national annual fee is $ 100 per chapter and the state fee is $ 200 per chapter for a total of $ 300 per chapter per year.  In order to help transition chapters to get enrolled early in the year, Wisconsin FFA Alumni & Supporters is telling each chapter that they can deduct $ 50 from their state fees this year, if postmarked by October 1.

This annual fee then provides annual membership for any individuals.  Chapters submit the annual payment and then are able to submit a roster and there is no limit to the number of members on that roster.  The Membership information packets can be found by clicking here.

Annual membership is open to anyone interested in supporting and advocating for FFA, agricultural education, agriculture or volunteerism through their gifts of time, talent, and financial resources on a yearly basis. Annual members receive membership benefits such as hotel discounts and vehicle purchase rebates, newsletters via email, the ability to attend personal and professional development conferences and conventions, additional sponsor benefits and a voice in alumni business. 

If you are looking to join the Alumni, please check with your local chapters and they can get you signed up.  If you are not sure who to contact, or if your local community does not have a chapter, please contact our Executive Director, tcostello@wisconsinffaalumni.org, for assistance.

Lifetime Membership Investment Option:
Lifetime membership is a one-time INVESTMENT in the future of our organization. Your investment ensures that the FFA and FFA Alumni & Supporters will be around for future generations of agriculturalists and to help us reach as many members as we possibly can so that they can exert an influence in their home and community.  The lifetime membership funds received are invested and used for numerous state and national leadership programs.  The current fee for life membership is $ 350.



Benefits of Joining  
Benefits of Membership
What are the benefits of having an FFA Alumni affiliate?
Scholarship Opportunities for FFA members!
Grant Opportunities for Alumni Affiliates!
Grant Opportunities for FFA chapters!
See more!


Copyright Wisconsin Agricultural Education © 2025. All rights reserved.

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and Wisconsin Association of FFA does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability.

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